Basic Microblading
We encourage you to choose high-quality training, which leads to practical experience with masters constantly risers qualification abroad.
The duration of training -2 days
Courses conducted in groups individual or (2-4)
For learning all the people who have the desire to learn a new craft is meticulous artistry and interest.
You need not to be permanent make-up specialist. The training program has been developed taking into account the long-term experience with foreign master craftsman recommendation.
1 Day (10-13h. Intensive Teorical Part)
1. Introduction
Work ethic
Work safety
Overall about a semi-permanent make-up history
The difference advantage and disadvantages, analysis of good and bad examples.
2. Preparation of work conditions
Requirements for the workplace
3. Hygiene
Detailed analysis of its.
4. Conversation with client
Aspects of conversation with the client
Preparation of mental.
The perception of customer satisfaction
Client journal and card (witch data needs to be filled)
Maintenance after procedure.
5. The legal aspects.
The consent form required for semi-permanent make-up procedure, how it should be presented for a client.
6. Disinfection and Sterilization.
Cleaning of tools.
Desinfection of tools.
Desinfection of surface
Desinfection of hand
Desinfection of client skin
Utilisation of used needles, cotton wool witch are defile by blood.
7. Manual Microblading pigmentation method
The origin of manual micro pigmentation (Microblading,6D)
Possible names
Possible ways of procedure
8. Tools and needles
Tools of Microblading
Types of needles, numbing, diameter and determing the reasons for the choise.
9. Colourist
Colouring, depending on skin tone, hair colour and common human traits and preferences.
Pigments, their choise of determing the causes-various examples of healing using for the ugo-based pigments.
10. Factors affecting pigment survivability
Types of skin
Disease of the skin
Facial procedures included for semi permanent make-up
Human internal state of the health impact of healing.
11. Contraindications
Disease of skin
Pregnancy, breast feeding
Disease of infections
Influence of age for procedure (clients over 70years)
Moles, scars, freckles
12. Correction
Possible ways of correction
When correction is performed
Corrections of another master working
Microblading on the old permanent risk
13. Basic shaped drawing
13-17h.The practical part on the artistical skin
17-19h.Demonstration of procedure.
Selection of technique. It is performing procedures, integrating theory and practice of the above elements, answers to all your questions. Not only the ability to monitor, but also to take pictures.
2 Day. Required to perform two procedures
10-14h.Practical part with the help of a teacher on your model (if do not have one, we can find)
14-15h. Lunch
15-18h. The practical part exam form on your second model (if do not have one, we can find) We try to ask more than you, we are training to perform the procedures as independency as possible, but we supervise procedure.
18-19h. Discussion of training, answers to questions, issuing of certificates.
We encourage you to choose high-quality training, which leads to practical experience with masters constantly risers qualification abroad.
The duration of training -2 days
Courses conducted in groups individual or (2-4)
For learning all the people who have the desire to learn a new craft is meticulous artistry and interest.
You need not to be permanent make-up specialist. The training program has been developed taking into account the long-term experience with foreign master craftsman recommendation.
1 Day (10-13h. Intensive Teorical Part)
1. Introduction
Work ethic
Work safety
Overall about a semi-permanent make-up history
The difference advantage and disadvantages, analysis of good and bad examples.
2. Preparation of work conditions
Requirements for the workplace
3. Hygiene
Detailed analysis of its.
4. Conversation with client
Aspects of conversation with the client
Preparation of mental.
The perception of customer satisfaction
Client journal and card (witch data needs to be filled)
Maintenance after procedure.
5. The legal aspects.
The consent form required for semi-permanent make-up procedure, how it should be presented for a client.
6. Disinfection and Sterilization.
Cleaning of tools.
Desinfection of tools.
Desinfection of surface
Desinfection of hand
Desinfection of client skin
Utilisation of used needles, cotton wool witch are defile by blood.
7. Manual Microblading pigmentation method
The origin of manual micro pigmentation (Microblading,6D)
Possible names
Possible ways of procedure
8. Tools and needles
Tools of Microblading
Types of needles, numbing, diameter and determing the reasons for the choise.
9. Colourist
Colouring, depending on skin tone, hair colour and common human traits and preferences.
Pigments, their choise of determing the causes-various examples of healing using for the ugo-based pigments.
10. Factors affecting pigment survivability
Types of skin
Disease of the skin
Facial procedures included for semi permanent make-up
Human internal state of the health impact of healing.
11. Contraindications
Disease of skin
Pregnancy, breast feeding
Disease of infections
Influence of age for procedure (clients over 70years)
Moles, scars, freckles
12. Correction
Possible ways of correction
When correction is performed
Corrections of another master working
Microblading on the old permanent risk
13. Basic shaped drawing
13-17h.The practical part on the artistical skin
17-19h.Demonstration of procedure.
Selection of technique. It is performing procedures, integrating theory and practice of the above elements, answers to all your questions. Not only the ability to monitor, but also to take pictures.
2 Day. Required to perform two procedures
10-14h.Practical part with the help of a teacher on your model (if do not have one, we can find)
14-15h. Lunch
15-18h. The practical part exam form on your second model (if do not have one, we can find) We try to ask more than you, we are training to perform the procedures as independency as possible, but we supervise procedure.
18-19h. Discussion of training, answers to questions, issuing of certificates.
Location125a.Great Victoria street, Belfast,
BT27AH. N. Ireland Mob. ph. 00447517427103 Best Reagards Rasa Pakste Alicia Mcwaigh +44 7796 380168 |